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Dwayne Frost returns home from Iraq

On Tuesday, April 27, 2004 Washington area families welcomed their loved ones home at The Freedom Salute for Operation: Iraqi Freedom Ceremony at the D.C. Amory. Members of the 547th Transportation Company of the D.C. National Guard returned home from serving our country in Iraq for over a year.

Two families welcomed home one of their own, SPC Dwayne Frost. Several members of Dwayne’s family were in attendance at the ceremony, as well as some of his CHVFD family.

About 150 troops were celebrated in the afternoon ceremony. Local and military officials recognized the unit for their sacrifice. Dwayne and his comrades received many mementos including a special encased flag with limited edition commemorative medals marking their service in Iraq.

The returning soldiers also took part in a pinning ceremony. Each member of the unit received two pins, one was awarded for their service, the other was awarded to a loved one who had sacrificed and supported them during their service in Iraq. During this part of the ceremony Dwayne presented a pin to his wife Pam for her love and support during the difficult journey so far from home.

Words describing this difficult road echoed throughout the Armory as Dwayne sang the 547th Spirit Song. Accompanied by SPC Corey Duppins, Dwayne shared the song that he sang in Sunday Services during their encampment. Audience members were soon on their feet during Dwayne’s rendition. He clearly demonstrated, which much talent, the hardships his unit went through and how they persevered.

Dwayne Frost did both of his families proud – not only with his moving performance, but through his continued service to others through his military guard duties. On behalf of your Capitol Heights family, we welcome you home and thank you for your service to our country.

This picture picture was taken at our Annual Fire Prevention Open House. CHVFD members, neighborhood children and parents wrote notes of encouragement to Dwayne while he was overseas. (Photo by Sam Minor)

Portion of I am the Guard
I was there when terror fell on my homeland and tried in vain to extinguish my spirit. I was there in the black of night as I searched for signs of life in far-reaching destruction; and I was there on hollowed ground, with a strong arm and valiant determination, defending my Nation. I am at home protecting the weary travelers easing troubled minds and I am abroad fighting for the freedom of a people oppressed. I am all these things…I am the Guard.

I have brought a fuller, finer, and more abundant life to our youth. Wherever, a strong arm and valiant spirit must defend the Nation, in peace or war, wherever a child cries, or a woman weeps in time of disaster, there I stand…I am the Guard.

I was there when the violent sandstorms did not bury my determination, but only hardened my resolve. Across the desert marched a parade of soldiers where the good of many defeated the evil of one. I was there…I am the Guard.

For three centuries a soldier in war, a civilian in peace – of security and honor, I am the custodian, now and forever…I am the Guard.
