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Engine 52 Rehabilitation Continues

Engine 52 Rehab

On June 16, 2005, members from the Capitol Heights Volunteer Fire Department brought Engine 52 to Emergency Vehicle Specialists (EVS) in Hagerstown, Maryland for its rehabilitation.

As of July 28, 2005, we continue to make progress on the rehab. EVS has advised us of the following progress:

All new warning lights have been delivered and pre-fitted to the apparatus. The new holes have been cut.

All body and prep work has been completed and the unit is at the paint shop. It has been primed and will receive the new white over red paint scheme next week. Lettering and striping will probably happen the second or third week of August. Once the unit is painted the lights, trim, accessories, etc. will start to go back on.

Also, the seats have been taken out and will be sent to the upholstery shop within the next few days.

EVS is waiting on delivery of the Sigtronics intercom/headset system.

We hope to have this work completed in time for the September 2005 Prince George’s County Volunteer Fire & Rescue Association convention, hosted by the Brandywine Volunteer Fire Department.

Stay tuned for progress photos and updates.
