One hundred (100) years ago today, five (5) members of the department signed a Certificate of Incorporation, certifying under and by virtue of the general laws of the State of Maryland the formation of a Corporation named “The Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 of Capitol Heights, Maryland.” Those members were: Henry J. Schaefer, Arthur R. Boyington, George A. Adams, Lyman J. Laughton, Louis F. Litz. We salute these five men for their courage and foresight to take these steps to incorporate, so the department could become better organized and to better serve the Town of Capitol Heights. George A. Adams was elected Captain and was the highest ranking officer of the department. This position is equivalent to Chief today.
During these past 100 years, the department has faced many challenges, but we have always remained steadfastly committed to protecting the Town of Capitol Heights. Leadership and progressive thinking have always kept the department on course and moving forward. We are excited about what lies ahead for the department and think back to those who came before us and then give thanks for their Courage, Honor, Valor, Fidelity and Dedication.