25 Years of Christmas in April: A Capitol Heights Volunteer Fire Department Tradition
The Capitol Heights Volunteer Fire Department has many traditions that have been handed down over its hundred year history. One of those traditions is our participation in the Christmas in April program. Since the program’s inception 25 years ago, the members of the Capitol Heights Volunteer Fire Department have helped repair the homes of low-income or physically challenged citizens so that they have a warm, dry, and safe place to call home.
Capitol Heights Volunteer Fire Department Completes Its 24th Christmas-in-April
On Saturday, April 28, 2012, the Capitol Heights Volunteer Fire Department completed its 24th project house for Christmas-in-April. This department has participated in this program to help make repairs /maintain the residences of elderly or disabled citizens since the program’s inception in 1989. Participation in this program has become an annual tradition of this department and something that the members look forward to each year.
Capitol Heights Volunteer Fire Department Shows It Has Christmas Spirit All Year Long
Twenty-third Annual Christmas in April Program Keeps Volunteers Busy The Capitol Heights Volunteer Fire Department is excited to participate in the Christmas in April program. This valuable community program is something that the department has been a part of since its inception in 1989. Our members look forward to helping every year; it’s just one […]
Capitol Heights Volunteer Fire Department Celebrates National Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Week
On Sunday, May 16, 2010, members of the Capitol Heights Volunteer Fire Department kicked off National EMS Week at the 1st Baptist Church of Capitol Heights. Pastor Harold Dugger welcomed us to his congregation and approximately 100 parishioners were in attendance. Children are our most vulnerable citizens and as adults we have a responsibility to protect them. The upcoming summer months pose some specific hazards to children which we wanted to address.
22 Years of Christmas in April: A CHVFD Tradition
On April 24, 2010 twenty-two (22) members of the Capitol Heights Volunteer Fire Department including: new recruits, riding members, administrative, and ladies auxiliairy members participated in the annual Christmas in April project. This valuable community program is something that the department looks forward to every year.
Company 5 Takes Part in Their 21st Christmas in April Project
Since its inception in 1989, both the career and volunteer members of Company 5 have taken a very active role in the Annual Christmas in April project.
National EMS Memorial Bike Ride to Stop at Station 5
On Tuesday, May 20, 2008, the National EMS Memorial Bike Ride will stop at Capitol Heights Volunteer Fire Department on their way to the U.S. Capitol. The Capitol Heights Volunteer Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary will provide refreshments to the bikers and supporters.
Company 5 Completes 20th Annual Christmas in April Project
On April 26, 2008, the members and staff of Company 5 participated in the 20th Annual Christmas in April project. The department has been participating in the event for since its inception in 1989.
Company 5 Takes Part in Their 19th Annual Christmas in April Project
The members and staff of Company 5 participated in the annual Christmas in April project on April 28, 2007. The department has been participating in the event since its inception in 1989.
Santa Pays an Early Visit to Capitol Heights to Map Out His Route
Just a few days before Christmas, there was a knock at the engine room door. And what did the crew find but a man dressed in red velour. It was our good pal Santa, all cheery and bright, but what was he doing in Capitol Heights on a Thursday night?